Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

South Shields premier political blog

Corruption and conspiracy

with 31 comments

Mirk and mire in the drugs scene

I have done my best to refrain from commenting on the investigations and subsequent arrests following the killing of David “Noddy” Rice last year, one might have hoped for a swift bringing to justice of the main characters involved, however a certain Allan Foster remains at large, and a  DC John Jones of Northumbria Police along with a North-East businessman and an agent working for the Serious Organised Crime Agency have been arrested allegedly for conspiring to pass information to the suspected killer over the past three years.

It seems that the dark stain of the drug dealer’s money may have reached the pockets of those responsible for keeping our streets clean of this menace, thus hampering the course of justice. Whilst of course the story is newsworthy, and in the public interest, it grieves me to suggest that the level of reporting by some local journalists has succeeded in creating an almost cult status for the victim of the shooting a year ago, a kind of semi-adulation that can do little to command respect from those of us who would like our children to never come into contact with those who deal in deadly drugs.

However, even in local newspapers the filthy lucre of  money can never have been so tempting, the selling of personal ads can never have been so profitable, as it has been in the case of this bedevilled family.

Written by curly

June 9, 2007 at 11:01 am

Posted in Crime, News, South Tyneside

31 Responses

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  1. I am sick and tired of reading about Noddy Rice and his family. Whilst I am sorry for anyone who loses a relative this coverage is way over the top. A lot of people I know have stopped buying the Gazetter because of their coverage. Am I alone in finding the idea of a drug dealer being ‘in heaven’ slightly off colour?


    June 10, 2007 at 2:31 pm

  2. I suspect that you are not alone, some plain straight forward reporting of the facts without any sensationalism and photographs would not come amiss.


    June 10, 2007 at 4:04 pm

  3. If you look at the way the Kray twins are glorified you can see the effect of the media on certain elements of the criminal fraternity. According to friends, Mr Rice was very paternalistic towards those around him and often helped friends out with “difficulties”, either financial or otherwise. This, together with his undoubted love for his family, drew respect.
    The other side? He dealt in drugs and died as a result. How many people, children or adults, were introduced to drugs due to his supplying the streets? How many went into lives of crime, died of overdoses or contracted HIV related diseases due to drug habits? How many families’ lives were blighted due to his activities, either through victims in their own circles or as a result of crime? Too many is the answer.
    Nobody deserved to die the way he did, but nobody deserves to have their lives blighted by the criminal actions of another. Perhaps it should also be remembered that nobody should sit in a car park with their family on the sea front and witness a man being shot nine times. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were already a book in the pipeline, not unlike Viv Graham. Who ever pens the book will owe royalties to the Gazette, such is their part in the creation of the cult.
    Surely, it hasn’t taken till now for rumblings of discontent to emerge? I can’t accept that nobody has written to the editor? The Gazette is slowly but surely losing it’s credibility.

    Peter Shaw

    June 10, 2007 at 5:03 pm

  4. If you have time to read this post from June last year, you will begin to understand how our local press contrived to bury one man’s life in the annals of our town’s history, there was no report at all of his funeral, and the other man – well, never out of the papers really.
    How many personal announcement ads have been sold on the strength of this developing cult?


    June 10, 2007 at 6:42 pm

  5. Are you people saying that a gangland assasination by masked killers, just yards from the borough’s most famous pub, doesn’t warrant the kind of coverage local newspapers have been giving it?

    David ‘Noddy’ Rice may have been a small-time drug dealer, but like everyone, he wasn’t merely defined by his chosen ‘career’ path.

    He was a character, who thousands of people in South Tyneside had come into contact with. Some people may be unsettled by the coverage, but what about the thousands of local people who knew him and his family, and want to know the latest on the massive police investigation surrounding the ‘hit’.

    It may seem as though some journalists are trying to cast him as a cult gangland figure, but surely it’s hard not to veer down that path when you’re writing about a murder which is straight from the pages of a Hollywood thriller.

    At the end of the day, it’s your money that’s being spent on this investigation. Journalists aren’t digging this information up from underworld contacts – it’s coming straight from the police, who are justifying the cash that’s being spent investigating this by informing the public of the latest developments.

    Danny Murdoch

    June 10, 2007 at 9:15 pm

  6. Danny Murdoch makes a very good point, particularly the issue of not being defined by your chosen career path. As I said in my post, many people speak highly of Mr Rice. As to the police feeding journalists, let’s see how much information is put their way now that a senior officer is under suspension.

    The point I have tried to make and most others I think who have also posted on this issue, is the Gazette’s fascination with the personality, to the neglect of a vicious crime i.e. a man was murdered under despicable circumstances. Perhaps under different circumstances he would have not chosen such a “career” path, but so might many others who bought drugs of people supplied by him.

    Perhaps we should also give consideration to another victim in this scenario, Mr Rice’s mother, a woman who clearly never recovered from her son’s death. A violent murder and an unnecessary death through grief, not really something to drag out in the papers is it?

    Peter Shaw

    June 10, 2007 at 10:36 pm

  7. Danny Murdoch (surely some “sock puppet” from the ranks of the press?) said;

    “Are you people saying that a gangland assasination by masked killers, just yards from the borough’s most famous pub, doesn’t warrant the kind of coverage local newspapers have been giving it?”

    The answer is NO we do not expect local reporters to continue painting a picture of an innocent unsuspecting participant in a pre-arranged meeting being gunned own in cold blood without an accompanying text setting out the the contextual circumstances surrounding the crime. Is it not too much to expect a full picture portrait of the man and his life as elicited from a hardworking investigative journalist, determined to get to the bottom of the story, without relying solely on the information provided by local police sources?

    Stories printed locally have not been completely “rounded” and therefore have provided the illustration which provides the basis for a poor role model to portray to the younger more vulnerable members of society in South Tyneside.

    THAT is what is causing the upset amongst those who abhor the use of narcotics in modern society.


    June 10, 2007 at 11:56 pm

  8. I think all drug dealers should be shot or at least incarcerated in solitary confinement in prison. This way they couldn’t infect our streets with their scum and poison. Tyneside is full of drugs dealers who think they are above the law but if you compare them to any real gangster you’ll know they are just a bunch of plastic gangsters with nothing to offer apart from hurt pain and posion.


    February 11, 2008 at 3:40 pm

  9. […] 50 year old South Shields man arrested in Spain Filed under: Crime, News, South Shields — curly @ 1:28 pm I wonder if he was familiar with anyone of interest to Northumbria Police? […]

  10. There is a Dark Side to Northumbria Police. I have been following the Martin McGartland story;

    In his bolg Martin wrote- “Northumbria Police turns blind eye to attempted murder Of British Undercover Agent Martin McGartland. The Dark Side Of Northumbria Police.” … For the past 11 years Northumbria Police have been involved in Collusion and Cover-Up and have been turning a blind eye to the attemped murder, by the PIRA, of Martin McGartland. “Collusion, in my 1999 case, is evidenced in many ways. This ranges from the wilful failure to keep records, failing to deal correctly with DNA, failing to arrest suspect(s) the absence of accountability, the withholding of intelligence and information, Failing to carry-out independent review(s) of case, failing to update me and or keep me informed as this victim through to the extreme of Northumbria Police, CPS (DPP), Mi5, State covering-up my attempted murder” Martin said.

    No one has ever been charged by Northumbria Police during the past past 11 year for the attempted murder of Martin. “Northumbria have acted beyond the law when dealing with my case and they continue to do so.” Martin says. There must be an independent enquiry into the McGartland case. He also stated that; ” Its my view that Northumbria know, and have known for many years, who shot me, however, Northumbria Police are doing nothing to arrest, charge them..”

    So this very clear that Northumbria Police need to be watched. It appears they can not be trusted. Martin McGartland also wrote a book about Northumbria Police which you can read online; I got the shock of my life when I read what Northumbria Police , CPS did on this lad. This is one book you must read if you want to know the REAL Northumbria Police.


    May 25, 2010 at 11:10 am

  11. Sorry the link to the book (Dead Man Running) is here;

    His fist book Fifty Dead Men Walking;

    was the subject of film by same name. McGartland was not connected with the film. in fact he stated that- “The Film is as Near To The Truth as Earth is To Pluto.” When you read the book you will see that he is indeed correct. Happy reading, its FREE .


    May 25, 2010 at 11:18 am

    • We need to make clear that the views expressed are those of McGartland and the do not necessarily represent the views of the author of this blog or it’s correspondents, unless expressly stated.


      May 25, 2010 at 4:59 pm

  12. McGartland’s books are based on facts. Northumbria Police have never tried to take legal action against him, they would never dare. The McGartland story is very well documented on web, google, in the press …


    May 28, 2010 at 10:31 am

  13. Tracy is right about northumbria police. I knew marty and the cops caused him so much damage. The cops have been covering up his shooting – marty he will not allow them tro get away with it, hes a real fighter, dog with a bone. we have not heard the last of this case. Curly, a simply check on google, net will show you that all that has been written on this blog is 100% correct.

    Mick Whitley Bay

    May 30, 2010 at 8:20 pm

  14. Forgot to say there is a Martin McGartland blog, here- Marty’s latest entry says-

    Marty was shot six times by PIRA in 1999;
    Martin say;- “11 years on and Northumbria Police have not charged anyone with my attempted murder. Northumbria Police are protecting, on behalf of Mi5, State, the IRA men involved.” Northumbria Police should not be dealing with the McGartland case, they can never be trusted. See Marty’s Bebo Blog regarding this other issues. Northumbria Police, CPS and others are witholding information from Martin as the victim in this case. They continue to withold information from Martin to this day. Martin says; “This is part of the Northumbria Police, State cover-up. I will not let the matter rest.”

    He also wrote- Time for a clearout of the Northumbria Police political (yes) policemen. Martin McGartland – PIRA Cover Up.”

    Time for a clearout of the Northumbria Police political (Yes) policemen.

    Northumbria Police, with the help of their Mi5 masters, are continuing with their smear campaign against British Agent Martin McGartland and the cover up of IRA involvment in his attempted murder in 1999.

    Martin said; “Northumbria Police continue to act in a wholly corrupt manner when dealing with my case, my 1999 attempted murder investigation. Northumbria Police, if they wanted, could arrest and charge those involved with my attempted murder.”

    The McGartland case highlights how politicised the police have become during the past 13 years of a corrupted Labour government.


    May 30, 2010 at 8:27 pm

  15. Northumbria Police, MI5 and others are keen to do their utmost to make Martin Mcgartld s life a misery or even end it. Good luck to Martin McGartland. He put his life on the line to help others.

    Richy Whitley Bay - Northumbria Police NEED to come clean about IRA

    May 31, 2010 at 1:04 pm

  16. Northumbria Police should sort this out. This young man was recruited by us, the British, and he infiltrated the IRA. He saved many lives and then ultimately he was betrayed by the security services, Northumbria Police. I too found it impossible to put down his books. The courage of Martin McGartland should serve an example to us all. The ultimate betrayal by Mi5, Northumbria Police of a man who, due to his accurate intelligence, saved the lifes of at least 50 men. Without doubt, this is the most compelling story I have read. I found the entire Martin McGartland story very sad but a real and true story, of a young man who give so much and yet was conned by the british goverment, Mi5.

    Richy Whitley Bay - Northumbria Police NEED to come clean about IRA

    May 31, 2010 at 1:20 pm

  17. We remember when Martin was shot in Whitley Bay in 2000. Northumbria Police should sort this out. This young man was recruited by us, the British, and he infiltrated the IRA. He saved many lives and then ultimately he was betrayed by the security services, Northumbria Police. I too found it impossible to put down his books. The courage of Martin McGartland should serve an example to us all. The ultimate betrayal by Mi5, Northumbria Police of a man who, due to his accurate intelligence, saved the lifes of at least 50 men. Without doubt, this is the most compelling story I have read. I found the entire Martin McGartland story very sad but a real and true story, of a young man who give so much and yet was conned by the british goverment, Mi5.

    Sam & Jay Gatshead - Northumbria Police NEED to come clean about IRA

    May 31, 2010 at 1:22 pm

  18. God Bless Marty McGartland. He did lots for the people in Northern Ireland.

    Barry Antrim

    May 31, 2010 at 6:43 pm

  19. marty mc gartland will sort northumbria police out. bet there wishing they had not messed with him. slap it up them. northumbria remember one thing – don’t mess with the bess cause the best dont mess. we support marty mcgartland in his fight against these spinless sad people in northumbria police

    northumbria police are dirt birds - I Support Martin Mc Gatland in his fight against Northumbria Police and MI5 ] Stop the cover ups

    June 1, 2010 at 3:44 pm

  20. Marty McGartland Go Go Go

    Northumbria Police Support the IRA
    Northumbria Police Protect The IRA
    Northumbria Police are Mi5
    Northumbria Police BETRAYED Martin McGartland
    Mi5 BETRAYED Martin McGartland (AGENT CAROL) Their Number 1 (ONE) Agent against the IRA.

    As far as I can see Northumbria Police look like a poodle act like poodle and comes to heel like a poodle the are an Mi5 poodle. Wot will Northumbria Police do when Mi5 jump ship?

    northumbria police are dirt birds - I Support Martin Mc Gatland in his fight against Northumbria Police and MI5 ] Stop the cover ups

    June 1, 2010 at 4:00 pm

  21. This is what Mi5 do to theit own- The Scumbag, cowards-
    MI5 agent: I am being forced to give evidence
    Wednesday, 12 May 2010

    The Security Services’ undercover operative giving evidence against three Co Armagh men charged in connection with a so-called dissident IRA international arms smuggling plot has claimed he is being forced to give evidence.

    The operative, known only as Amir, claimed police told him he “had been f****d over” by his “MI5” bosses and that he would have to sign his witness statement and give evidence at the men’s Belfast Crown Court trial.

    Between them the trio, Paul Anthony John McCaugherty (43) from Beech Court, Desmond Paul Kearns (44) from Tannaghmore Green, both Lurgan, and 41-year-old Dermot Declan Gregory, also known as Michael Dermot Gregory, from Concession Road in Crossmaglen, deny a total of eight charges.

    The court also heard that Amir’s solicitors even tried to sue his security masters for £450,000 over the case and at one stage asked for £30,000 plus £2,500 a month. Amir also agreed that he had hoped to get “an honour” for his work for the Security Services, but claimed it was not necessarily for this case.

    Under cross-examination by defence QC Orlando Pownell for Kearns, Amir claimed detectives told him that either he signed his statement and have the protection of MI5, or he was on his own.

    Amir told the court “that wasn’t a very pleasant choice” and that he wasn’t happy about coming to Belfast to give evidence, indeed he was “extremely angry” about it.

    At one stage Amir described the Security Services as “a law onto themselves”, doing what they wanted and that “half the time” he didn’t even know what they were doing or if they were bugging him or not.

    Amir told Mr Pownell that when initially approached by the PSNI he “never believed” he would have to give evidence in court.

    He further agreed that during the whole of the undercover operation between August 2004 and June 2006, whenever he was asked if he would be prepared to give evidence, his answer was always the same: “No”.

    “The message was loud and clear… I’m not giving evidence,” said the lawyer.

    “Yes that’s correct,” replied the agent.

    He claimed that when he made a statement to PSNI detectives he was told it was because the prosecution barrister “wanted to study my impact in the case”, and that if his role “had to be disclosed no arrests would be made and the operation concluded in a different manner”. He said that when he talked to detectives “there were papers, papers, I had no idea” what they were, but they did help to provide some dates of when certain meetings had taken place.

    However, again Amir agreed that when he eventually signed his statement he told detectives “this was under sufferance” as he was “really left with no choice”.

    But he denied that he’d tried to hold his former security bosses “to ransom” by demands made by his “solicitor or those acting on your behalf”.

    Amir also claimed that he wasn’t aware of any actual figures involved.

    He said any legal proceedings had been taken “out of principle” and rejected the suggestion it was a case of “cough up or no evidence will be given”.

    Amir maintained that the only reason he was in court was because he was “threatened… with summons here and with arrest to get me here”.

    At hearing.

    they do this to everyone person who has ever helped them – f-cking scumbags

    northumbria police are dirt birds - I Support Martin Mc Gatland in his fight against Northumbria Police and MI5 ] Stop the cover ups

    June 1, 2010 at 4:06 pm

  22. Here=

    * * * * * * * *

    This is why Mi5, British Government (and in this case Northumbria Police) dispense with people who put their lives on the line. facts, Martin McGartland saved many lives. He put his own life on the line to do so. He can never see his family again. He can never return to Belfast. The PIRA attempted to murder him in 1991 and again in 1999. This is a very sad case. The British Government nor Northumbria Police come out of it very well.

    facts; As the late Brian Fitsimons, former assistant chief constable in charge of the Special Branch, told me: “McGartland was a very productive agent.”

    Others have confirm this also.

    Award winning journalist and Panorama reporter John Ware asks, Why, then, in another case involving a real live agent, whose risk of being executed by the IRA is very high indeed, has the Home Secretary been playing down the threat to his life? Ware also said, “Martin McGartland spied for the RUC Special Branch and saved many lives. As the late Brian Fitsimons, former assistant chief constable in charge of the Special Branch, told me: “McGartland was a very productive agent.”

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    Media: How Jack Straw, vigilant censor of MI5

    revelations, left an informer out to dry

    John Ware
    Monday, 29 September 1997
    The Home Secretary was quick to censor the revelations of David Shayler to `ensure the lives’ of MI5 agents. The safety of Martin McGartland, RUC informer, appears to have been of less concern. John Ware wants to know why

    The Home Secretary, Jack Straw, says MI5 agents could die if the former MI5 officer David Shayler is allowed to disclose evidence which he claims demonstrates the incompetence of the Security Service.
    Mr Straw says he has an “absolute duty to ensure agents’ lives” are not put at risk. That is the basis on which he has successfully sought an injunction against The Mail on Sunday whose editor wants to publish “the facts of a case of national and international importance which would have revealed MI5’s incompetence in the handling of a serious terrorist incident”.

    Mr Straw would have us believe that he’d agonised over so grave a step as censorship – “I have no wish to prevent legitimate debate or criticism of the Security Service” – no doubt mindful of his government’s commitment to freedom of information.
    “Censorship” is certainly a word that should rankle with Mr Straw. He was himself a journalist on Granada’s World In Action programme. And in 1971, as a duffel-coated President of the National Union of Students, he petitioned the then Conservative Home Secretary, Reggie Maudling, against the expulsion of a German Marxist student leader Rudi Dutschke whose presence was said to be a threat to the security of the state. As Mr Shayler revealed, in those days M15 had Mr Straw down as a “communist sympathiser”.
    But that was then. Now as Home Secretary he is ultimately responsible for MI5. And if the MI5 Director General tells him the publication of a newspaper article could cost lives, he has to take that seriously – even if the risk is theoretical.
    Why, then, in another case involving a real live agent, whose risk of being executed by the IRA is very high indeed, has the Home Secretary been playing down the threat to his life?
    Martin McGartland spied for the RUC Special Branch and saved many lives. As the late Brian Fitsimons, former assistant chief constable in charge of the Special Branch, told me: “McGartland was a very productive agent.”

    Since 1991 the 27 year old has lived in Blyth, Northumbria as “Martin Ashe” – the identity provided for him by the RUC. Last May he was tried at Newcastle Crown Court for perverting the course of justice because he had two driving licences in the name of “Ashe” which listed two different addresses.
    The police said he was trying to avoid disqualification by distributing penalty points for speeding between the two licences. McGartland denied his, insisting he needed the licences as an extra layer of protection.

    In 1992 the IRA had interrogated his girlfriend and he feared they’d forced her to divulge where he was living. He says the police refused to move him: “I’ll never forget what they told me:’Don’t worry about it, son. You’ll be OK.'” He didn’t believe them. So he moved – though only half a mile away. And he took out a second licence with a fictitious address in Durham.
    McGartland feared the IRA could get his address from licence records – and with good reason: Northumbria Police has already dismissed one civilian for disclosing information about his identity from their computer. The purpose of the second licence was to send the IRA off on a false trail if they came looking for him having discovered he no longer lived at his first address.

    There is no doubt that McGartland was on the IRA’s wanted listed. They’d broken his younger brother Joseph’s legs, an arm and four ribs with iron bars. And he himself received a mass card, signed “Your friends in Connolly House [Belfast HQ of Sinn Fein], Crumlin Road and Long Kesh.” It promised that the “Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the repose of the soul of Marty McGartland.”
    Before the trial McGartland warned the Crown Prosecution Service that the only way he could escape a prison sentence was to explain to the jury who he really was and why he’d taken out two licences – which involved disclosing who he really was.
    The jury took 10 minutes to acquit him and even the judge said McGartland did not seem to be a criminal. But his cover was blown McGartland’s real identity and address were reported in the newspapers.
    McGartland asked the authorities to give him a new identity and relocate him immediately. One thousand nine hundred local residents – astonished to discover their chaotic Irish neighbour was a latter-day 007 – signed a petition supporting him. Close neighbours have been frequently wakened by his screaming nightmares: “Don’t do it, don’t do it.” Some neighbours are pretty terrified themselves. One is having her locks changed by Northumbria Police.
    At first the Crown refused to pay McGartland a penny. After many letters from his lawyer to the solicitors acting for “various Crown authorities” – which they refused to name – they agreed to pay pounds 3,000 towards his removal expenses “as a gesture of goodwill and with no admission of liability”.
    But McGartland’s house is now blighted. Who would want to buy a property that was an IRA target? Until recently, the “authorities” have refused to even consider covering any losses. Jack Straw has told McGartland’s local MP, Alan Campbell, that there is no need for him to move straightaway because there is no “immediate” threat to him. “I hope this is of some reassurance,” says Mr Straw.
    The small sum now being offered contrasts with the millions of pounds that McGartland’s tip-offs spared the taxpayer by stopping buildings from being blown up – not to mention the many lives he saved. McGartland was also very nearly executed by the IRA because of an RUC blunder in August 1991.
    For several months he had complained to his Special Branch handlers that he feared the IRA had rumbled him. His active service unit had had to abort too many operations in which he’d been involved.
    Then in July 1991, McGartland’s handlers learnt that his ASU was going to machine-gun a bar frequented by soldiers in Bangor. They demanded that McGartland deliver the guns that were to be used to RUC headquarters to be fitted with tracking devices.

    Two IRA operatives were arrested en route to the raid. A few days later McGartland was summoned to a meeting with the head of the IRA’s internal security. Although McGartland feared the game was up, his handlers persuaded him to keep his appointment, promising they would watch over him every step of the way. The Special Branch had calculated there could be a bonus if he was caught. He could lead them to other IRA terrorists as they interrogated him. He was to be used as human bait.

    But the RUC’s surveillance unit lost sight of McGartland before he was driven away at speed by two IRA men from his meeting. As one officer said: “I thought `Well, it’s over. He’s gone.’ And I waited for news of his body being found.”

    McGartland, meanwhile, was awaiting the executioner’s bullet in a third- floor flat. When he saw a bath filled up with cold water, he knew he would be tortured first. On an impulse he hurled himself headlong through the window. “I remember the glass breaking in slow motion. Then my lights went out.” He sustained serious head, shoulder and back injuries, but his astonishing courage saved him. He was picked up by an army patrol.

    Six weeks later he was packed off to Northumbria with a new identity. The police bought him a house for pounds 53,500 and gave him pounds 40,000 to provide him with furniture, a car, spending money and a training course for a heavy goods vehicle licence.
    But McGartland had paid a heavy price. He’d left behind his family and had no friends in Newcastle. He suffered recurring nightmares, needed constant painkillers, and he became depressed. He couldn’t settle into a job and he frittered away his money But the RUC who’d recruited him at 17, had cut the umbilical chord.

    Like many agents McGartland wanted recognition. He tried to sell his story and began to appear on TV programmes and to give newspaper interviews. This can’t have gone down too well with the authorities.
    When his solicitor applied for compensation for his injuries, the RUC claimed to have no record of him. He pursued the claim in the courts. But when he asked the RUC for protection in Northern Ireland so he could attend his court case, they refused. “Any protection that was afforded you, you blew by your antics,” one officer told him.
    Then the RUC told the Northern Ireland Office they’d already paid McGartland pounds 120,000 which, they said, included injury compensation. His receipts showed the figure was pounds 95,000, a shortfall of pounds 25,000. Only after Tory, Labour and Unionist MPs intervened, did the NIO compromise with an offer of pounds 10,000.

    Earlier this year, McGartland published a book detailing his exploits. At the same time the CPS was considering whether to prosecute him for perverting the course of justice. After consulting the RUC, it was decided there was no threat to his security. Listening to some RUC officer discussing this issue, there’s a strong whiff of disdain: McGartland was recruited as a teenage petty criminal and in his attempts to hog the limelight he’d moved above his station. It’s hardly surprising he came a cropper.

    No doubt, running McGartland as an agent was taxing. Like most agents, he sometimes broke the rules by not telling his handlers everything in order to cover his back with the IRA. Sometimes he bartered information for money. But, as one ex-RUC officer recognises, “I would have to say that we got more out of him in a few years than we got out of many agents in 20 years. It was short – but very sweet while it lasted.”
    McGartland was very young to be drawn into the grown-up world of spying. By 21, he had saved many lives. But now he doesn’t know how to save himself.

    His obsession with his string of grievances and his craving for recognition leave him incapable of building a more stable future. What burden of responsibility should the Crown now bear for trying to ensue that the rest of his life is not wasted?
    Not much, seems to be the answer. As the new Home Secretary, perhaps still seeking the approval of the security and intelligence establishment that once had him down as soft and on the left, Jack speaks of this as being “very much a security matter”. But it is also a human tragedy.

    In his letter to McGartland’s MP, Alan Campbell, Jack Straw suggests that it is his “propensity for self-publicity that has caused [him] so many of the problems he currently faces”.
    Mr Straw misses the point. McGartland may have raised his profile but he never once revealed that he was “Martin Ashe” in any article or TV programme. It was the Crown’s decision to prosecute him that led to that. Now that he has been acquitted, he claims he is entitled to the same level of assistance a he was before the court case invalidated his protection.
    The McGartland case also raises a question about double standards: in Newcastle an ex-Special Branch agent whose life is manifestly at risk is deemed by the Home Secretary not to be in any “immediate” danger. In London, a risk, perhaps theoretical, to the lives of MI5 agents is enough for him to ban publication of a matter of public interest about a secret and largely unaccountable organisation.
    The one feature common to both cases is publicity. Do the intelligence services still cling to the belief that it is dangerous for light to be shed on their workings. If so, why does New Labour swallow old myths?

    The story of Martin McGartland will feature in `Here and Now’ , BBC1, 7.30pm tonight.

    newspaper story=

    MORE FACTS - Jack Straw, Home Office, Northumbria Police Cover Up = Martin McGartland

    June 1, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    • I don’t mind accepting comments here, but when they start to get as voluminous as these then perhaps it’s time to be writing your own blog.


      June 2, 2010 at 9:41 pm

  23. just found this on Martin McGartland bebo page, ,

    Thr Real IRA said there comming after him again.

    “Prime target The Real IRA spokesman claims its prime target is long-serving British agent, Freddie Scappaticci, who formerly ran Provisional IRA internal security, and whose information led to the death and imprisonment of scores of republicans.

    “Other targets would be P**** ****** [an informer whose alias is Kevin Fulton], Martin McGartland, Christopher Black, Raymond Gilmour and Dave Rupert,” he says. Rupert, an FBI-MI5 agent, was paid millions for successfully infiltrating the Real IRA. His testimony led to the conviction of former Real IRA leader, Mickey McKevitt.”

    Real IRA- Martin McGartland death threat. Real IRA says Martin McGartland is a target for them.

    see here=

    We say; Again. Don’t miss – You may hope that Marty don’t get you before you get him.
    Anyway Northumbria Police, Mi5 will turn a blind eye, as they did last time. Northumbria Police, Mi5 the CPS are covering Up IRA involvment and even protecting IRA members involved in 1999 attack.

    REAL IRA Death Threat against Martin McGartland

    June 1, 2010 at 10:10 pm

  24. Marty McGartland who successfully infiltrated the IRA and escaped with his life only to find out that his would-be murder was set up by MI5 and the IRA jointly.

    The treatment he has recieved since his ordeal, being harassed by the Northumbria Police, having being pulled over 3 times a day and being brought to court on trumped up charges left, right and centre.

    His betrayal by Mi5, Northumbria Police is shocking.

    Then on the very morning of Martin McGartland’s, assasination attempt by the IRA, instead of confirming it was an IRA the ‘authorities’, Northumbria Police briefed members of the press, off the record, that the assasination attempt of Martin McGartland was carried out by local drug dealers, Northumbria Police (again off the record -cowards)even stated that Martin McGartland had been a member of a gang, how dad, how ridiculous. This is just the typical treatment he has recieved by Northumbria Police. Martin McGartland sued Northumbria Police as a result, it was an open and shut case. Northumbria Police paid Martin McGartland £100,000.00, out of court. Martin also won damages from all of the newspapers who printed the Northumbria Police lies about Martin, the result was Martin McGartland was paid a further £250,000.00 from 6 newspapers. Martin McGartland has never smoked, drank nor taken drugs in his entire life and Northumbria Police knew it better than anyone.
    I have always thought there should be an enquiry into Matin McGartland’s shocking case, there maybe one day. Martin McGartland served his country and put his own life on the line to save others. He risked his life, inevetably giving up all that he holds dear, his own family, friends to protect, save others. Still in 2010 Martin McGartland is still being hounded by Mi5, Northumbria Police who are covering up IRA involvment in attempted murder. So, in conclusion, Martin still hasn’t made much progress.

    This is a man you will want to keep in your prayers, he has done nothing but good and deserves to be rewarded, not cast out as some sort of nuisance.

    Chris Andrews

    June 7, 2010 at 10:03 pm

  25. Well said Chris. This has been a shocking case. A very small number of Northumbria Police offiers are behind this. One day they will have to answer their makers.

    will burgon

    June 8, 2010 at 5:35 pm

  26. Given the appalling treatment Marin McGartland has received from British State. The underhand and frankly disgusting way in which he has been deserted by the security services.

    I personally found it very difficult to understand why Northumbria Police, RUC (PSNI), Mi5 have deserted Martin McGartland, left him all alone. Frankly I find it disgusting the way in which he has been treated by the security services.

    Martin McGartland should take Martin comfort in the fact that there are still many good people in the world who value the tremendous work you have done in Northern Ireland. It is unfortunate that Martin McGartland can not live his own life life out as he deserves. Martin is a man who risked his own life for the future of other people.

    The true story of Martin McGartland has yet to be told. Many of us have watched the film Fifty Dead Men Walking which I found to be a big let down.

    Northumbria Police will never forget Martin McGartland

    June 9, 2010 at 12:16 pm

  27. Given the appalling treatment Marin McGartland has received from British State. The underhand and frankly disgusting way in which he has been deserted by the security services.

    I personally found it very difficult to understand why Northumbria Police, RUC (PSNI), Mi5 have deserted Martin McGartland, left him all alone. Frankly I find it disgusting the way in which he has been treated by the security services.

    Martin McGartland should take comfort in the fact that there are still many good people in the world who value the tremendous work you have done in Northern Ireland. It is unfortunate that Martin McGartland can not live his own life life out as he deserves. Martin is a man who risked his own life for the future of other people.

    The true story of Martin McGartland has yet to be told. Many of us have watched the film Fifty Dead Men Walking which I found to be a big let down.

    Northumbria Police will never forget Martin McGartland

    June 9, 2010 at 12:19 pm

  28. Northumbria Police Cock Up in McGartland case. They have only sent out their 2009 appeal once again in 2010. I found this on the Martin McGartland Blog.

    Northumbria Police and the 11 Year Cover-up. It’s Groundhog Day – Northumbria Police are a Joke.

    Northumbria Police and the 11 Year Cover-up. It’s Groundhog Day – Northumbria Police are a Joke.

    Northumbria Police, their so called top cop Det Chief Supt Chris Thomson, Groundhog Day finds himself repeating the same old story year after year. The Northumbria Police Cover-up of the Martin McGartland shooting, by the IRA in 1999, continues.


    Refer to story, appeal link of 2009;

    Refer to story, appeal link of 2010;

    This is the 2010 story, police appeal;

    Now here are both Northumbria Police, Det Chief Supt Chris Thomson, appeals. The first, word for word, and the latest 17th June 2010 one;

    Fresh plea over IRA double agent shooting

    Jun 17 2010 by Sophie Doughty, Evening Chronicle

    Martin McGartland was shot six times at close range, but survived

    POLICE today renewed their pledge to hunt the hitmen behind the attempted assassination of IRA double agent Martin McGartland.

    It is 11 years to the day since the he was shot six times outside his Whitley Bay home on Duchess Street in 1999 in a crime that stunned Tyneside.

    He survived, despite being shot at close range as he sat in his car.

    Although a number of arrests have been made no-one has ever been charged with the attempted murder, which Mr McGartland insists was carried out by IRA hitmen.

    But officers from Northumbria Police have never given up hunting the gunmen. And now detectives are making a new appeal for anyone who knows what happened to come forward.

    Det Chief Supt Chris Thomson, who is leading the investigation, said: ?Although this was an unsuccessful attack, it was a cold-blooded, calculated murder attempt which caused Mr McGartland serious injuries.

    ?Our main line of inquiry continues to be that Mr McGartland may have been shot by a person or people with Irish Republican sympathies, for reasons closely linked to his former life in Northern Ireland.

    ?Mr McGartland?s history as an agent for the then Royal Ulster Constabulary and his supplying of information about the Provisional IRA is a matter of public knowledge, documented in his own books on the subject.?

    Detectives recovered DNA from the scene and this is still being used to eliminate people from the inquiry.

    Det Chief Supt Thomson hopes there are people out there who know what happened and feel able to contact police. ?Over time, word can leak out and be talked about. People?s loyalties can change a lot in 11 years.?

    Other lines of inquiry centre around a van abandoned at the scene, which was bought just two days before the attack, and a message left on a telephone answering machine a few days earlier, asking about a van for sale. The caller is said to have had a Glasgow accent.

    Two semi-automatic pistols and some ammunition were found in the Gateshead area within months of the attack.

    One of the guns was forensically linked to the shooting and police believe those responsible may have stayed in the Gateshead area in before the attack and maybe afterwards.

    Anyone with any information is asked to contact Northumbria Police on 03456 043 043, ext 69191 or the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

    :: A recording of the message about the van a few days before the shooting can be heard at



    Now here is the 17th June 2009 appeal;

    Cops renew plea over Tyneside ‘IRA shooting’

    Jun 17 2009 by Sophie Doughty, Evening Chronicle

    Martin McGartland was shot six times at close range, but survived

    HE WAS shot six times outside his Tyneside home 10 years ago today.

    And now police are making a new appeal for help to catch the hitman responsible for the mystery shooting of IRA spy Martin McGartland.

    The cold-blooded shooting, which stunned Tyneside, bought the troubles of Northern Ireland to the doorsteps of Whitley Bay a decade ago.

    Mr McGartland was shot as he sat in his car in Duchess Street, Whitley Bay, on June 17, 1999. But miraculously he survived, despite being shot six times at close range.

    No-one has ever been charged with the attempted murder, which double-agent Mr McGartland insists was carried-out by IRA hitmen.

    But officers from Northumbria Police have never given up in their hunt for the gunmen.

    And today, they are using the 10th anniversary of one of Tyneside?s most shocking unsolved crimes to appeal for information.

    Detective Chief Superintendent Chris Thomson, who is leading the investigation, said: ?We are absolutely determined to do everything we can to solve this case.

    ?Although this was an unsuccessful attack, it was a cold-blooded, calculated assassination attempt.

    ?Mr McGartland has asked that Northumbria Police clarify the situation as far as we can and I am happy to do so.?

    Five people have been arrested in connection with the shooting but no-one was ever charged.

    Over the last 10 years police have taken a staggering 1,004 witness statements, conducted 1,122 house-to-house inquiries, collected 2,764 pieces of evidence, and assembled 5,043 documents.

    Detectives are also continuing to use DNA recovered from the scene to eliminate people from the investigation. And as technology advances they are using new methods in an attempt to crack the case.

    Two semi-automatic pistols and some ammunition were found in the Gateshead area within months of the attack. One of the guns was forensically linked to the shooting and police believe those responsible may have stayed in the Gateshead area in the run up to the attack and possibly afterwards.

    Other lines of inquiry centre around a van abandoned at the scene, which had been bought only two days before the attack.

    And police have released a recording of a telephone message left on an answering machine a few days earlier, asking about a van for sale. The caller had a Scottish accent, believed to be from the Glasgow area.

    Click here to listen to the recording

    Det Chief Supt Thomson hopes the time that has passed since the shooting will make it easier for anyone that knows anything to come forward.

    ?Ten years is a long time for people to keep a secret about something like this,? he said.

    ?Over time, word can leak out and be talked about.

    ?Also, people?s loyalties can change a lot in 10 years, and people may now be prepared to help us.

    ?We are keeping abreast of new forensic techniques and we do apply them when appropriate.?

    It was originally suggested that Mr McGartland could have been shot by local criminals.

    However, while detectives have still not confirmed a motive for the assassination attempt, they do not believe this to be the case.

    ‘Mr McGartland’s history as an agent for the then Royal Ulster Constabulary and his supplying of information about the Provisional IRA is a matter of public knowledge, documented in his own books on the subject,? Det Chief Supt Thomson added.

    ?Our main line of inquiry, therefore, continues to be that Mr McGartland may have been shot by a person or people with Irish Republican sympathies, for reasons closely linked to his former life in Northern Ireland.?

    Anyone who may have information can contact Northumbria Police on (03456) 043 043, ext 69162 or the independent charity Crimestoppers on (0800) 555 111.



    Can You Tell what it is yet? This is a joke, Northumbria Police are a joke and their so called top cop, Det Chief Supt Thomson, is a joke. You can see why no others have been arrested and why no one has ever been charged, even after 11 years.


    Amanda Mansell

    June 17, 2010 at 10:28 pm

  29. Friday, June 18, 2010

    His new identity as Martin Ash was blown by Northumbria Police who prosecuted him … is an intelligence cock-up
    Martin McGartland – Northumbria Police; ” … an intelligence cock-up …” “… I always wonder why I got the call…”

    “Draw your own conclusions somewhere between stitch up, casual attention to detail, or human error. That, to me, remains as big a story as who shot him.” etc.

    Here Here Tony. Tony Horne was more fortunate than I because I too remember that night vivdly and I had called the Alan Robson show when I was highlighting my case as he was given police escort on the night at a time when I was pleading with Northumbria Police for any sort of help, protection, after Northumbria Police had exposed my identity by reading mmy name, home address, out in open court and which were printed in national newspapers for all to see. Thank you to Tony Horne for taking time to write his piece on the subject and although his article is very accurate, there are a few areas that I am happy to clarify, first being I was not in any shape or form a “double agent”, that would mean I would have been an IRA terrorist who for whatever reason had been turned, blackmailed or in some way won over by the security services. No, I was at no time before or during my infiltration of the IRA either a member of the organisation or even a sympathiser, I was recruited by the security services for the purpose of infiltrating the IRA and to forwarn security services about all the workings, planning of future bombings, shootings and other attacks which were being discussed or planned.

    Secondly, I have never lived in Canada at any time, this was just something which originated as a result of the film, Fifty Dead Men Walking, of which I had absolutely nothing to do with, in fact I took legal action against film makers and I and my solicitors sought and won changes to the film and also we ensured that legal disclaimers appeared at the bginning and also at the ending of the film, which makes it known that I was not in any way connected or involved with the film and that it was not a true account of my life story nor of my book of the same name. I was also paid damages and also compensation by the film makers. I have been on record stating that the film is as Near To The Truth As Earth Is To Pluto. I also said that the film is 90% total fiction.

    To this day, 11 years after my attempted murder, Northumbria Police cointinue with their cover-up in my 1999 case. Northumbria Police are also covering up IRA involvment in my case. Northumbria Police are failing to tell the truth when dealing with my case.


    Tony Horne column, June 18 2010

    Jun 18 2010 Tony Horne

    CHILLING. That’s the word I would use to describe my state of mind in the last 24 hours. Not chilling out, but chilling as in spine-chilling.

    I heard yesterday morning that Northumbria Police have renewed their appeal for information into the Whitley Bay shooting of Martin McGartland in 1999.

    God, I remember that day. It hasn’t been on my mind much since but it is dominating my thoughts today.

    In the summer of 1997, I hosted Alan Robson’s Night Owls show for two weeks on Metro Radio. It was only the second time in my professional career that I had hosted a talk show.

    It went well, but I was out of my depth. At about 11.20, or maybe 12.20, I took a call from Mr McGartland. I didn’t have a clue who he was.

    As you may know by now, he was an IRA double agent who went on to tell his amazing story of saving lives in Fifty Dead Men Walking, including the story of his own escape from an IRA execution by jumping from a third-floor window.

    His new identity as Martin Ash was blown by Northumbria Police who prosecuted him on driving offences, one of which was holding driving licences in different names. This, you have to say, is an intelligence cock-up.

    He spoke on our show for about 20 minutes. I listened, barely interrupting. In my inexperience, I had given him a political platform. Afterwards, I didn’t say another word on the radio and was given a police escort home. Though that’s not true as I was only escorted to where the Angel is now, since I became County Durham’s constabulary’s problem after that. I couldn’t sleep that night. The story was still spinning in my head.

    Fast forward to yesterday 11 years ago, and I get a phone call around 9am whilst I am on the radio.

    I’m summarising but I swear the words included: “I have some information about a friend of yours, Martin McGartland who has just been shot in Whitley Bay”. Well, we weren’t friends, clearly.

    I knew it was a massive story and within an hour papers in Belfast were ringing me. Of course, it is an old trick for the media to be tipped off before the police, but when I think about this story, I always wonder why I got the call.

    Was that random chance or was I linked to him in someone’s mind?

    Even back then in an era of much less media, you would have to do pretty well to remember that I had stood in for eight shows on a night time phone-in two years previously.

    I don’t recall the accent of the phone call breaking the shooting news, but I think it was local rather than Irish.

    Clearly by this point his identity was widely known in Whitley Bay. You have to ask to this day, how on earth someone who had been re-invented and relocated for his own safety, was then shopped over a motoring offence?

    Draw your own conclusions somewhere between stitch up, casual attention to detail, or human error. That, to me, remains as big a story as who shot him.

    Google him, and you’ll see that he disowned the film of his life story but was doing publicity for it only 18 months ago. In the movie, he is now living in Canada.

    I think I can safely say, as I reflect on that day, that Martin McGartland is therefore not living in Canada.


    Martin McGartland

    June 18, 2010 at 5:17 pm

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