Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

South Shields premier political blog

Get the new car with a taxpayer funded loan

with 3 comments

Bentley BrooklandsBrown and Darling have gone mad, surely?

The idea that they are borrowing £trillions and charging the cost to us is bad enough, but to then offer the same money back to us in the form of a loan is not just bizarre it’s almost fraudulent and criminally insane. Besides the point that they are encouraging us all to start borrowing again just after we’ve discovered that UK PLC is in the middle of the largest debt crisis that it has ever faced, there is also the point that the greens and enviro-mentalists make that perhaps we should be using more public transport or investing heavily in new non petrol based technologies for personal transport. One might have thought and hoped that a recession may have provided the spark for such alternative investments, but no Gordon and Alistair would rather we continue to clog up the motorways with new petrol engined motors, probably in the hope of reaping toll fees in the years to come.

Of course the whole plan ignores the fact that thousands of today’s motorists, including many in South Shields, can no longer afforded the loan repayments on their current vehicle, as many of them suddenly find themselves unemployed,  as a result of Labour’s mismanagement of the economy. Thousands of vehicles will shortly be pouring into the second hand market and prices will fall through the floor, so who would really be interested in buying a new car just yet?

It is quite clear that this Labour government and it’s advisors have run out of ideas, they are economically inept, and have little realistic chance of reinvigorating our very weak economy. Unless and until they understand that a strong private sector provides the wealth and tax revenue to be able to afford a public sector, we will not move forward at all. With increased borrowings and a deficit budget, all they will manage to do is delay the time it takes to hit rock bottom, in other words they are prolonging the agony.

The answer is to reduce (rather than cut the size of the increase in) government expenditure, and massively reduce personal and corporate taxation to put money back into the economy and allow individuals and small companies to decide how, where, and when to spend it.

How many times do we need to repeat this message?

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Written by curly

January 15, 2009 at 9:19 am

3 Responses

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  1. I have no debts and never had … I can handle buying a new car …

    Gilmour Poincaree

    January 15, 2009 at 9:31 am

  2. “allow individuals and small companies to decide how, where, and when to spend it.”

    Your optimism is both touching and very unlikely to come true!

    Letters From A Tory

    January 15, 2009 at 10:14 am

  3. You’ll help me pay for it … whether you like it or not …

    Gilmour Poincaree

    January 15, 2009 at 10:27 am

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