Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

South Shields premier political blog

Get along to Cranmer

with 2 comments

The former Primate has two very interesting posts to look at

In the first he pours scorn on Senator Edward Kennedy’s honorary Knighthood and suggests that it may be illegal for him to accept the honour, as well as outlining the Senator’s background in supporting Irish Republicans and the calls for Britain to get out of Northern Ireland.

Secondly, following a post that I’d seen too at Ian Parker Joseph’s place linked to EU Referendum, he asks if Gordon Brown is planning an armed attack on the British people . I thought it was all a little bit of tinfoil hat material at first, but the more you look into it and read it, you become clearer in your mind that Brown indeed is fearing some sort of summer or winter of extreme discontent and that he’s determined to keep a lid on things.

The Civil Contingencies Act bestows enormous amount of powers on the executive and individual ministers, as an enabling Act it virtually tears up the rule book in respect of individual freedoms and rights and puts in place the worst excesses of an elective dictatorship. The libertarian right have been warning of the excesses of government powers and the erosion of civil liberties for a long time now, I’m not suggesting that Ian Parker Josephs is a bit of a conspiracy theorist, I’m sure he’s just extremely concerned, enough to ask questions such as these:

Is the Army legally entitled to support a Government no longer wanted by the people?.
Would the Army comply with such orders on the British Mainland?

I want to know exactly what this Government has planned for Military deployments in the UK, and whether they would be deployed against their own citizens.

It is known that many of the senior personnel in the MoD have received Common Purpose training. The content and purpose of that secret training now needs explaining.

Cranmer also asks:

Why otherwise are Army personnel being asked if they would be prepared to ‘open fire’ on UK citizens during civil disturbances? Why otherwise are ‘special briefing sessions’ being held to ascertain whether or not members of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces would fire on their own nationals.

With newspapers warning of an outbreak of discontent this coming summer (somebody must have told them something) and of the middle classes rising in anger and even prepared to join in hitherto shunned demonstrations, it is little wonder that some are warning that the conditions may worsen and improve the lot of those in the more extreme political parties. Social conditions would move towards replicating those of the 1930s (in relative terms of deprivation) and the mood would be ripe for recruitment. Middle England would be humbled with massive unemployment, and a huge rise in house repossessions, foreign labour would become even cheaper and more available as the pound weakens, the old chestnut “British jobs for British workers” would be back on people’s lips.  Little wonder that the government is clearly thinking about a possible State of Emergency.

Some may view the arguments put forward as scaremongering of the worst kind, others may wish to look deeper into them and conclude that the government is behaving like a good Boy Scout adhering to the motto “Always Prepared”. Cranmer concludes his post by asking the most important question of all:

Prime Minister, the people are angry.

Is your solution of last resort to shoot them?

These are indeed extraordinary times.

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Written by curly

March 5, 2009 at 12:09 pm

2 Responses

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  1. Followed you here from the Tom Harris blog.

    A number of recommendations on what to do about single mums you are invited to comment on ….

    (a) deprive a single mother of child benefit if she cannot produce a marriage certificate
    (b) fine the single mother for producing an illegitimate baby, say £1000, if she does not name the father
    (c) require her parent(s) to pay this sum if she cannot or will not
    (d) fine the father of an illegitimate child a sum of money, say £1000
    (e) require the parent(s) of that father to pay this sum if he cannot pay it himself
    (f) require that the mother give up the child for adoption before more lives are ruined


    March 5, 2009 at 8:01 pm

  2. I have been making a similar point to my (adult) children for a while now. It is good to know that I am not alone in thinking that Gordon Brown’s aim is to incite public disorder, in order to have an excuse to bring in martial law.
    Why else would they keep doing and making statements that criminalize the English people (in particular).

    As Paul Routeledge, his astute political biographer states…….”The crafty – ruthless, even – campaign to secure the safe seat of Dunfermline East for Gordon Brown may appear unsavoury at this distance……..that the Communist Party was closely involved in this [election] process, ostensibly at arm’s length, but in reality at the heart of the
    wheeler-dealing, was also accepted.

    Ray, Coventry, England

    March 5, 2009 at 9:39 pm

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