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Allen Branley to seek re-election

with 3 comments

Insult to South Shields electors

I simply cannot believe what I am seeing, Allen Branley the former Independent councillor for Westoe ward who has twice been thrown off South Tyneside Borough Council for non attendance has the bare faced brass neck to offer himself as the Alliance candidate in the by election! Branley along with his wife Jane was sacked from South Tyneside Council in December 1993 and January 1994 respectively, and now Allen has made it a triple treat for the Branleys by losing his seat on 18th June after failing to attend any meetings at all in the past six months.

Jane Branley had enquired of Town Hall officials asking when he should attend a meeting and I understand that she was told that he had already lost his seat by failure to adhere to the conditions of the Local Government Act 1972, there then followed a farcical situation of a quickly cobbled “resignation” letter which was delivered to South Shields Town Hall after he had ran out of time, needless to say this letter was given short shrift by officials yet the Branleys inexplicably continue to insist that this communication was delivered before Mr. Branley was removed from the council. In this post I revealed that South Tyneside’s Head of Corporate Governance confirmed that Mr. Branley could not resign from a position which he no longer held.

How can you possibly resign from a body of which you are no longer a member?

Mr. Branley was spotted in Warwick Road, South Shields yesterday delivering a new newsletter to the residents of Westoe ward, opening it with a clear contradiction of the truth, he states that he resigned from the council on the 17th. June, this is clearly NOT factual as Brian T Scott’s statement shows only too well. The Proper Officer of the Council was not presented with Branley’s letter until the 23rd. June after he had been removed from the council. So Branley has decided that a by-election is the thing that is needed and kicks off the campaign with a statement deliberately designed to hoodwink the electors of Westoe ward, this election will cost all of the electors of South Tyneside an estimated £20000 to hold, money that could be better spent on other causes. He insults our intelligence by seeking to deflect the blame and criticism away from himself after his abject failure to represent his electors at council meetings, his opening statement in his newsletter is contemptuous towards voters in general and displays a terrible inability to connect with reality. You were sacked Mr. Branley – twice!

In his opening statement of his newsletter he states that he feels this is the right decision for him and us, yet on page two he says “I am not sure personally whether this is the right approach” – come on make your mind up, if you are not sure personally then who exactly is making these ridiculous decisions for you?

He tells us that a revoltion occurred in South Tyneside with the election of increasing numbers of Independent councillor, but fails to tell us how many have left his grouping in less than amicable circumstances, and how it is now less than half the size that it once was – he’s taking you all for mugs again!

He says the Independent Alliance have found it increasingly difficult and frustrating to represent your views in the council chamber – Allen it often is when you stay at home and don’t bother going to meetings, a point perhaps that you might hope we forget about?

He talks on page two of the Labour Party and others thwarting attempts by the Independents to scrutinise council policy and then goes on to complain about uncivilised verbal brawling and abuse – he does not tell the people he failed to represent, that at every turn and twist his wife and other Independent councillors simply failed to either understand or adhere to the rules of debate as set out in the Standing Orders given to every councillor, either that or they deliberately attempted to drive a coach and horses through these reasonable rules that, until the recent arrival of this grouping, had provided a good platform for all councillors to be fairly heard. What is the point of crying “foul” when it is your own wife who constantly transgresses the rules and throws hissy fits in the chamber? If you had turned up a little more regularly you might have worked this out Allen.

He then moans about the allegations relating to last week’s meeting, we are not sure  how much Jane might have told him, but one concerns a robustly built woman allegedly being assaulted by an old aged pensioner, and the other is the contrived story of racist abuse regarding Khan and Elsom reported in the Sunday Sun – “Go back where you came from – the gutter” (hope I don’t sound silly but what race, creed, ethnic grouping etc. does that statement specifically refer to?)

Branley then says he has tried a number of approaches over the years to get a debate going on certain issues – unfortunately the past year was obviously not one of them.

On the second page, again, he cries about the frustration of scrutinising council policy – it’s simple dear boy, turn up and you will find out about it and get an opportunity to question Lead Members, is it that difficult to comprehend?

His next paragraph is an appalling and scandalous statement from any elected councillor, or even an ordinary bystander, he complains of councillors fiddling expenses, he says that the infamous 18 missing ballot boxes were stolen, and that financial irregularities are happening at the highest level of the council and cabinet. If these serious allegations have any foundation in fact at all, then the responsible thing to do would be to take the matter to the police – go on back it up Mr. Branley, if you think you have evidence of such serious malpractice do what a good responsible citizen should do, take it to the police and let them investigate.

He then concedes that much of our opposition needs to happen in the council chamber – so why were you not there then?

He ends with the galling bare faced cheek of asking electors for their support – don’t allow yourselves to be taken for fools again, vote for any candidate that you wish but don’t send back to the council a man who has a proven track record of NOT REPRESENTING the people who put him there. He is a non councillor, an absentee landlord for Westoe, and if the legislators of this country had any real sense they would amend the Local Government Act to ban anyone seeking election for the next five years after previously being thrown out for non attendance.

Don’t insult us all with this smokescreen Mr. Branley, show some self respect or honour and stand aside, you have twice failed to carry out the responsibilities and duties that we gave to you, your own conscience should tell you that this is an extraordinarily bad decision that does not sit well with many people, in fact forget your self respect and just show some respect for the people of South Shields who do not want to be taken for fools by an aloof uber wealthy dentist and property developer.

Bloody champagne socialists!

Branley’s insulting newsletter page 1

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Page 2

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Oh by the way, it is normally the practise of the Independents to “hunt as a pack” in election campaigns, preferring not to let candidates feel isolated and left on their own, yesterday Allen Branley was particularly lonely in Warwick Road.

Isn’t it time that one or two seriously considered their positions in this fractured and imploding group, which appears as though it wants to condescendingly look down upon voters with sheer contempt?

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Written by curly

June 28, 2009 at 8:57 pm

3 Responses

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  1. They really do look and sound pathetic. Most reasonable minded people manage to abandon this type of behaviour by the age of 14 or 15.

    The next time I read about some councillor banging on about anti-social behaviour or young peoples lack of respect, I’ll send them a link to this post.


    June 29, 2009 at 9:23 am

  2. What is it they say about history repeating itself – the first time as tragedy the second time as farce. This is certainly the latter. An expensiveego trip with the bill being footed by us!
    He has the brass neck to talk about civilised behaviour. I have sat in the observers gallery at council meetings and witnessed members of his group shouting and bawling obcenities from the gallery and their elected councillors behaving like a chimps tea party. They appeared to be totally incapable of understanding and following the rules of debate. I have been involved in politics for many years and attended a fair few meetings. I have never seen such behaviour even from the much maligned SWP.
    Curly, your comments should be printed on the front page of the Gazette so that people can see for themselves what a bunch of charlatans they are.

    I spy

    June 29, 2009 at 9:41 am

  3. […] Allen Branley to seek re-election […]

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