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New title for Independents

with 9 comments

“Hard left” and “soft left”

The gaggle of Independent councillors in South Tyneside have been afforded new titles by the local Labour Party. It seems that the Branley led group is to be described as “hard left” and George Elsom and Terry Harram as “soft left”.

Candidates have also been announced by Labour for May’s local government in South Shields, Ann Walsh is one attempting to make a comeback in Biddick Hall where the veteran Joe Kidd is stepping down (oddly I knew Ann from my time many years ago as a Young Conservative in South Shields – small world eh?).

The retiring Mayor’s Secretary Fay Cunningham is standing in the Westoe ward and irregular Corner Shop commenter Neil Maxwell gets a chance to make his mark in the Harton ward. Bob Watters is a first time candidate in West Park and Doreen Purvis stands in Whiteleas.

No secrets or surprises then! 

Written by curly

March 4, 2008 at 10:28 am

9 Responses

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  1. We thought of the title “The Looney Left” but I didn’t want them calling a special meeting of Council to propose a motion of No Confidence in me!!


    Iain Malcolm

    March 4, 2008 at 1:21 pm

  2. This is hilarious and of course absolute nonsense. So where is Labour on the left-o-meter?

    I wouldn’t describe business folk and property developers the Branleys as anywhere near ‘hard left’. Isn’t Allen Branley the guy who proposed placing unelected businessmen on the cabinet? Reminds me of one Gordon Brown giving a cabinet post to Digby Jones.

    Isn’t it also the same Allen Branley who was applauded by Conservative George Wilkinson for having “the guts to speak up” against Paul Waggott?

    If anything, the Branley/Khan independents are extremely close to both Labour and the Conservatives in policy terms – closer than any would probably like to admit.

    PS – the Labour website has Doreen Purvis as a contact in both West Park and Whiteleas.


    March 4, 2008 at 5:10 pm

  3. Does that make Labour the ‘no soul left’, then?
    The sooner we get rid of this small-minded cabal of idiots, the better.

    Michael Hudson

    March 4, 2008 at 6:51 pm

  4. Rossi,

    You talk about the Indys’ “policy terms”.

    Can you please outline or shed some light on what they are, because personally I haven’t got a clue? To suggest they are politically close to my party is nothing short of insulting, a cheap shot, when you have no basis for or evidence of this.

    Cllr Malcolm’s comments display Labour’s complete lack of interest in opposition debate and consideration of policy. Perhaps this is a result of their political hegemony in ST over the last few decades. It shows an air of arrogance typical of members of his party.

    David Potts

    March 4, 2008 at 7:27 pm

  5. But, you’re right David, I take it all back – the independents are apparently devoid of policies.

    It’s telling though that you don’t have similar objections to suggestions that the Tories are close to Labour? 😉


    March 4, 2008 at 9:19 pm

  6. Rossi, Rossi, Rossi,

    You always try to put words in my mouth, buddy.

    You’re a bright guy. There really is no need to use such cheap tactics.

    I do enjoy your banter though.

    David Potts

    March 4, 2008 at 9:52 pm

  7. Well come on David. What is this thing called hegemony? It would seem to me that if it is “dollar hegemony” that has ruled globally forever and a day(or so it seems) then that is fine. Then again, we might consider “bourgeois hegemony”, which didn’t do too badly for a century or two or three! Anyway, doesn’t hegemony involve consent? As I understand it such consent has to be won and re-won and whatever slant you want to put on “ST hegemony” it has been achieved through the consent of the electorate and hardwork on the part of the Labour party. But perhaps I’m being naive to believe you only get people’s support by giving them those things they need from life. You must agree that is true, as the alternative would be to suggest that it has been achieved by some kind of force. All in all Labour’s success in recent years is hardly global hegemony.


    March 4, 2008 at 10:09 pm

  8. Rossi

    Labour is centre-left, with policies to match.

    The Hard Left independents don’t have policies – they simply want to oppose all the time.


    Iain Malcolm

    March 5, 2008 at 9:40 am

  9. Stand for nothing, and stand in the way of everything?


    March 5, 2008 at 12:45 pm

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