Curly's Corner Shop, the blog!

South Shields premier political blog

Cllr. David Potts needs a moderator

with 24 comments

Twitter comments unacceptable

On the one hand Cllr. Potts, the Leader of the Conservative group on South Tyneside Council, announces that he intends to divorce his political opinions from his Twitter account, yet on the other proceeds to launch an intemperate personal attack on David Miliband the South Shields Labour MP. Whilst you will all appreciate my political abhorrence of most things socialist, especially within this little borough where the majority stay at home during local elections, you will find that my opposition is generally penned in acceptable terms that most will understand, and often with a wry streak  of humour. I detected a slight taste of mischief making in Andy Hughes report in the Journal, as the former Shields Gazette journalist continues to take a close interest in the online affairs of one or two of the borough’s politicos, however, my own guess is that without Hughes interest this story may well have been buried away within the millions of “tweats” cascading on to the internet every day.

I tend to agree with those contacted by Hughes, Cllr. Potts should withdraw his remark, offer a fulsome apology, not only to Miliband but also to his party colleagues for the embarrassment he has caused them, and to consider more carefully his online remarks in future. He should also get on with creating a new Twitter account, if that was his intention, and try to remember that politics is about the promotion of ideas/ideologies and representing the common interests of his constituents in Cleadon Village and East Boldon. He should endeavour to forget the personalities in South Tyneside (despite some of the savage personal attacks against him recently) and concentrate on presenting an effective case for believing in Conservative principals within South Tyneside. If the Conservative led coalition does eventually manage to get some sort of a grip on the economy with its runaway public spending and ever increasing debts, then they will need people like Cllrs. Potts, Milburn, and Wood to support and defend its actions as when they affect us here.

If I were one of the other two Tory councillors in South Tyneside, I’d be taking some sort of action to persuade David Potts to moderate his language and online behaviour, I’d be rather concerned and anxious about what future comments from my “leader” might lead to. A group need to play as a team, and the team captain is normally the one that provides the inspiration, direction, example, and leadership for the others to follow, but there must be question marks over the direction of Cllr. Potts political thoughts at the moment.

I’m having a bit of fun ribbing David Miliband this week, I don’t know if he can cook or not (or if it is worth £1000 to find out), I’d like people to ask the serious questions about how committed he is to his constituency, but we can do this in a light hearted way, we can disagree without being disagreeable. If Cllr. Potts wishes to join in the fun that’s all well and good, but he must remember that some of the best comedians kept it clean and didn’t need to resort to the “Chubby” Brown material.

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Written by curly

January 13, 2011 at 12:51 pm

24 Responses

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  1. In his description of Milband, Cllr Potts speaks for a great many people and it is telling of the parlous state of democracy in the North East that this is the one and only angle being discussed on the Sunderland FC/Miliband story.
    Where is the statement from Niall Quinn where he explains his decision to mix football and politics? Nowhere. Where is the discussion of the rights and wrongs of his decision in the Echo or the Gazette? There isn’t one. Where is the reaction from fans – Newcastle as well as Sunderland? Suppressed.

    Desperate Dan

    January 13, 2011 at 1:09 pm

  2. Oh cheer up, Curly!

    David Potts

    January 13, 2011 at 1:21 pm

    • I am going through another difficult period, cheerfulness and optimism are in short supply David.

      I wonder if the same is true with Miliband, having lost his ministerial salary and the chance to be Leader of the Opposition?

      I wonder too about what value he can add to the club and its business model? Granted he will have lots of foreign contacts but will they be the sort that lead to openings in the international market for Sunderland AFC? Without a great empathy for the club and its north east roots, or any experience in running or managing a business I somehow doubt it.

      I don’t mind having a go at him for being shoved into South Shields at the behest of his mentor Tony Blair, in deference to those with more local ambitions, but I feel that he has never been quite totally accepted here and has often looked out of place. However, there needs to be an acceptance that there is a time and a place for certain rebuttals, such as on the terraces or in a bar room, not (for a politician) in the public forum of Twitter.

      Desperate Dan, I am also a little bemused at the lack of reaction from Sunderland fans at this consideration to offer Miliband a non executive director’s role.


      January 13, 2011 at 2:03 pm

      • UIf your having a tuff time do you get your jollies by gloating in iothers misfortune and engaging in gossip?


        January 15, 2011 at 12:09 pm

  3. Andy Hughes’ Twitter background image – more mischief making?


    January 13, 2011 at 2:08 pm

  4. What sort of foreign contacts are they talking about? When a Foreign Secretary travels abroad , attends dinners and functions abroad and meets people abroad he is doing so in his capacity as representative of the UK and not in a personal capacity. If foreigners are nice/flattering/friendly towards him it is because they are diplomats addressing an official representative of the UK and not because they want to be his new best friend. That role is now being performed by William Hague. Tony Blair could never tell the difference between diplomacy and friendship and it seems Miliband can’t either.

    As to the deafening silence from football fans. Their new appointment isn’t even mentioned on the SAFC website.

    Desperate Dan

    January 13, 2011 at 2:51 pm

  5. “The trouble with Twitter, the instantness of it – too many twits might make a twat.”
    David Cameron


    January 13, 2011 at 5:22 pm

  6. Why do Tories keep referring to Labour as socialist? Labour started scrubbing itself of the S-word when they got rid of Michael Foot. Labour now occupies the same free market ground as the Tories.


    January 13, 2011 at 5:48 pm

  7. Curly I think that Pottsy should come off Twitter altogether, he just gets himself wound up with Khan and the two of them go at it hammer and tongs like a couple of numpties. Makes the whole of South Tyneside look like a community of Neds.


    January 13, 2011 at 8:20 pm

  8. Oh dear, it’s hit The Daily Mail now, mega red faces all round.


    January 13, 2011 at 9:33 pm

  9. Potts needs to pull his head out of his backside, has he lost his mind?


    January 14, 2011 at 10:56 am

  10. This is the dross we’ve come to expect on cheap tatty blog sites


    January 15, 2011 at 12:04 pm

  11. I notice this curly person says he pens issues in an acceptable manner, that is just his opinion, I know a lot of people who find his comments to be unacceoptable, immature and sometimes racist. I’ve looked over this site and some of the language is coarse and very immature. Is this a little back street blogger just wanting to inflate his ego??


    January 15, 2011 at 12:08 pm

  12. Looks like you are about to become the target again Curly, the “sockpuppets” and “trolls” have returned, they are such a sad bunch.

    Andy S.

    January 15, 2011 at 2:52 pm

  13. Curly, I hope this makes you as mad as it does me. Rod Liddle (a jumped up little nobody full of his own self importance) in today’s Sunday Times, referring to David’s salary as Sunderland vice Chairman, says it “would keep a family in his South Shields constituency in pies and heroin for at least three months”
    Although we don’t exactly see eye to eye politically I know that as fellow Sandancers we will surely be at one on this.
    My next step is a letter to the Editor of the Sunday Times.


    January 16, 2011 at 6:54 pm

    • It is quite an outrageous commentary, and as most of us who struggle to provide food for the family would agree it is not a reflection on the great demographic mix that we have here in South Shields.

      I know very little about the price of heroine but I do know that £50000 worth of pies would last my family a lot longer than three months.

      Perhaps Mr. Liddle feels a bit protected in making his comments behind an internet paywall, he must have forgotten about those who put their hands in the pocket to buy the printed version.


      January 16, 2011 at 7:35 pm

  14. Mind you Curly,our eighteen years old Grandson is adamant and assures me that,”I don’t even like pies Grandma”!!!!!


    January 16, 2011 at 7:44 pm

    • I just find it to be a cheap throwaway remark that demeans us in South Shields and also demeans The Sunday Times, I’m surprised that an editor let it pass. It would not surprise me to learn that the journalist has never been within 15 miles of the town or within ten miles of someone suffering with an addiction.


      January 16, 2011 at 7:58 pm

  15. Worth reading Wikipedia article about him; he has an interesting track record; would fit in well with some of the local blogging and tweeting scene.


    January 17, 2011 at 12:48 am

  16. CPS has dropped case against Gareth Compton, barrister and Conservative councillor, for alleged criminal tweeting in contravention of s127 of The Communications Act. The complainant, a “member of the public” refused to give a statement, whilst the alleged “victim” Yasmin A Brown refused to “press charges”. This naive joke(?) tweet whilst in lamentable taste seems relatively tame in content when compared to that of some of the tweets and blogs posted in the public domain by certain locals.


    February 3, 2011 at 6:49 pm

  17. The local political blog and twitter scene has been transformed during the past month; now so “respectable”, from R18 to 12. A coincidence perhaps…


    February 15, 2011 at 11:01 pm

  18. Spoke too soon Mr M reactivated to coincide with local press “revelations”…


    February 26, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    • Best not to draw too much attention to it.


      February 28, 2011 at 8:21 pm

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